Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year, New Resolutions

Hi everyone. ReStore Marietta has been outwardly quiet this past few weeks, but we continue to work hard behind the scenes. Our new year begins in January and we have some new board members as well. (see below).

Our promotions committee has been working to set the date for this year's Catfish Derby Days as well as working on another community event idea dealing with art and antiques. We are excited and will share more soon!

Our executive committee continues to meet with MAMA, Friends of Front Street and Harmar Merchants to talk about pooling resources. We hope that by spring we should have a plan to do so.

We've had several new members join the organization and look forward to working with each of them this year. We hope you'll consider joining us as well!

Our board will meet mid-January to do planning for the year. We'll be updating our strategic plan and outlining some specific actions to take with the CDBG funds the city has generously provided us. And, we continue to make movement in the direction of Main Street affiliation.

Keep posted, we'll be updating this a little more frequently this year. Happy New Year!

ReStore Board:

Jennifer Offenberger, President
Tony Baldwin, Vice President
Karen Briley, Secretary
Mike Iaderosa, Treasurer

Members: Charlotte Keim, Hilles Hughes, Andy Thompson, Chuck Swaney, Keith Malone. Charmel Wesel is recording secretary.